Are you looking for some preposition activities to add to your lessons? Enjoy these teaching ideas including free resources.
Preposition Activities #1 – Teaching Video with Organizer
This video is a great overview of several rules about prepositions. It includes definitions and examples for the following:
- place, time, and direction
- most common
- object of prepositions
- subject-verb agreement
- how meanings of the overall sentence changes when using different prepositions
The lesson pairs with a provided graphic organizer. Students listen to the first part of the video to hear the definition of prepositions. When instructed to do so, students pause the video and complete their organizers. Finally, students watch the remainder of the video to check their answers.
This button takes you to the post handout. For your convenience, the handout includes everything from the post. You will find the printable organizer as well as a link to the Google Slide version. The handout also includes the posters and teaching ideas plus links to activities mentioned in this post.
More Prepositions Activities
Preposition Activities #2 – Posters
This set of mini-posters may be displayed in the classroom during the lesson.
If you are looking for additional classroom display materials, check out the Teaching Ideas website.
Preposition Activities #2 – Dice Game
[Note: This game can be played with any part of speech.]
Prepare a list of sentence strips with long sentences that contain many prepositions. This could simply be a worksheet with sentences that have been cut apart.
Playing the Game
- Divide the class into small learning groups of approximately four students each.
- Provide each group with a set of sentence strips, an answer key, and a dice.
- The players roll the dice to determine which player goes first.
- In a turn, players draw one sentence strip. The player reads the sentence to the group. The player must then identify all the prepositions correctly.
- Next the student awards or subtracts points from a tally sheet by first rolling the dice. The player is awarded the number on the dice times the number of prepositions in the sentence IF s/he answered correctly. If the player provided any incorrect answers, the number on the dice times the number of prepositions in the sentence are subtracted from the tally.
- The winner is the student who has the most points when the time is called for the game to end.
Preposition Activities #3 – Preposition Videoes
Schoolhouse Rock
YouTube has a number of videos on prepositions. Try “Busy Prepositions” from Schoolhouse Rock. You will find the lyrics to this song on the Schoolhouse Rock website.
Online Activities that Help Students Learn about Prepositions
These links take you to online games and lessons about prepositions.
Here are a few links to help you find lessons and practice pages:
Preposition Activities #4 – Picture Books that Help Teach Prepositions
- Under, Over, By the Clover: What Is a Preposition? by Brian P. Cleary
- Behind the Mask: A Book about Prepositions by Ruth Heller
- Around the House the Fox Chased the Mouse: Adventures in Prepositions by Rick Walton
Preposition Activities #5 – PowerPoint Presentation

This is a no-frills PowerPoint that I created a number of years ago to use with my students. Edit it to meet the needs of your students.
Preposition Activities #6 – Prepositions Anchor Chart

This anchor chart goes over the definition and different types.
If you missed the link to the handouts, here it is again.

1 comment
These resources were awesome and engaging. The students will relate to them, and enjoy learning about them all. Thank you for sharing these jewels.