Check out these ten ideas for teaching verbs. Activities include games, printables, books, videos, classroom displays, and more.
It’s a verb. It’s a verb.
I. It’s an action word.
You can do it. You can do it.
It’s a verb.
Teaching Video with Organizer
This video is a great overview of verb tenses. It includes definitions and examples for the following verb tenses:
- present, present perfect, and present progressive
- past, past perfect, and past progressive
- future, future perfect, and future progressive
The lesson pairs with a provided graphic organizer. Students listen to the first part of the video to hear the definition of verbs. When instructed to do so, students pause the video and complete their organizers. Finally, students watch the remainder of the video to check their answers.
This button takes you to the post handout. For your convenience, the handout includes everything from the post. You will find the printable organizer as well as a link to the Google Slide version. The handout also includes the posters and teaching ideas plus links to activities mentioned in this post.
More Verb Activities
This set of mini-posters may be displayed in the classroom during the lesson to for students to reference when trying to remember definitions.
These posters are included in the handout.
SchoolHouse Rock
YouTube has a number of videos on verbs. Try “Verbs” from Schoolhouse Rock.
Online Activities that Help Students Learn about Verbs
Enjoy these games and activities to help students learn about verbs:
Here is a link to help you find lessons and practice pages:
Verb Anchor Chart
- Grammar Tales: A Verb for Herb by Maria Fleming
- Nouns and Verbs Have a Field Day by Robin Pulver
- To Root To Toot: What is a Verb? by Brian P. Cleary
- Slide and Slurp, Scratch and Burp by Brian P. Cleary
- Shake, Rattle and Roll: Doodlezoo: An Action-Packed Verb Book by Keith R. Potter
- Kites Sail High: A Book about Verbs by Ruth Heller
- If You Were a Verb by Nancy Loewen and Sara Jean Gray
Verb Anchor Chart
This anchor chart is a quick reference for students when studying the perfect verb tenses. Having sample sentences really helps students remember the patterns.
If you missed the link to the handouts, here it is again.