Check out these four projects to use with Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH. Your students will love the crafts and videos!
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is a thrilling adventure story about a widowed field mouse named Mrs. Frisby. She is faced with the challenge of saving her family from danger. When her son Timothy falls ill, Mrs. Frisby seeks help from the mysterious rats of NIMH. These rats possess extraordinary intelligence and technology. With their assistance, she discovers a dark secret about the rats’ past. She also learns of a looming danger that threatens them all. Just when it seems that Mrs. Frisby and her new friends have triumphed over adversity, a shocking twist leaves them facing an uncertain future.
Read Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH to discover if Mrs. Frisby and the rats survive.
Activities for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH
Book Unit Samples

Check out Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Book Unit with these sample pages:
- Vocabulary Practice for Chapters 1-2
- Comprehension Questions for Chapters 1-2
- Constructed Response Question – Character Traits
Teaching Idea #1 – Character Traits Book

This novel has many characters. One way for students to keep them straight is to create a notecard for each character with a brief description and character traits.
This free printable helps students organize the cards. Printables are provided for students to create an eight-page book with pockets. The book has eight pockets that are divided into groups:
- The Frisbys
- The Fitzgibbons and their Pets
- Animals Living Near the Frisbys
- Jeremy
- Owl
- The Rats
- Employees of NIMH
- Other Characters
If you are looking to cut down on the number of copies used, have students illustrate the cover. These pockets require just two sheets (or copies) of paper. Four pockets are on each printable. Note that this is an easy assembly project as no cutting is required. Just fold staple and glue and your booklet is finished.
The handout also includes cards. Using index cards in place of the provided cards will also help save using the copier.
Teaching Idea #2 – Origami Scenes from the Story

Below you will find several YouTube videos showing how to create origami animals. Note: The mice are easy to create; however, I recommend having students practice with scrap paper first.
Place students into small learning groups. Have students think of a scene from the story with animals only. Each student should create one origami animal. The combined animals are then turned into a diorama like the one pictured. This is a really fun project. You could extend the project by having students write a summary of the scene to place with the diorama.
Mice and Rats
Teaching Idea #3 – Activities for Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH from the Web

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH from Reading is Fundamental
This site contains a book trailer. You can also find interactive crossword and word search puzzles.
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Cause-and-Effect Connections
This activity comes from The Mailbox Magazine.
Teaching Idea #4 – Comparing the Book to the Movie

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH was adapted into an animated movie in 1982. While the basic plot and characters are the same in both versions, there are several key differences between the novel and the movie.
- The book is written from Mrs. Frisby’s perspective. The movie, on the other hand, takes a more omniscient approach, showing multiple perspectives.
- The book is more serious and introspective, with a focus on the rats’ struggles. The movie, on the other hand, is more lighthearted and action-packed.
- In the book, Mrs. Frisby is a simple, resourceful mouse who is driven by her love for her family. In the movie, she is given a more active role and is a courageous heroine who fights for what she believes
- Some of the rat characters are given more personality and backstory in the movie than they have in the book.
See the product that inspired this post.

Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Novel Study includes vocabulary practice, comprehension questions, constructed response writing, and skill practice.