Thinking Outside the Box
Reading game instructions is a terrific way to get your child reading difficult material. You can try out a new game that you have never played before, or ask your child to verify a rule about something you are unsure of in a game you have played many times. Either way, your child must read and understand the rules.
Activity to Try
Play “I’m Thinking of an Object.” This game may be played while driving in a car, eating breakfast, or just about any time you have a few moments.
The questioner may ask up to 10 questions to figure out the object. The questions must be answered with “yes” or “no.”
Is it alive?
Can you find it in a house?
Is it bigger than a car?
If the questioner can guess the object in 10 questions or less, s/he receives a point. Once the 10 questions are asked, repeat the game with the other player thinking of an object.
This activity is great for building vocabulary.