Effect vs Affect – How many times have students struggled with this troublesome pair? How many papers have you graded that confused these words? Before Common Core State Standards, our state standards gave a long list of troublesome word pairs students had to learn. Teaching this skill was monotonous for both students and teachers. Because …
Tag: Teaching Vocabulary Strategies
Teaching vocabulary strategies are methods that help students acquire and retain new words more effectively and independently. They can be explicit, implicit, or metacognitive, such as dictionary use, morphemic analysis, cognate awareness, contextual analysis, etc. Teaching vocabulary strategies usually focus on the form and structure of words rather than their meaning or usage.
Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=3074
Oct 14
Spelling Confusing Words
Have you ever wondered if you should write apart or a part? How about anyone or anyone? English contains so many confusing words. Often, students wonder if they should use one word or two. These activities provide practice with six confusing word pairs using Google Apps. Begin by having students type the definitions for each …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=3441
Jul 08
Teaching Vocabulary with Index Cards
Teaching vocabulary with index cards is a fun yet effective method. Here’s how: Step #1 On one side of the index card, students write the vocabulary word in large letters so that it may be used as a response card. For daily practice, students spread their index cards with the words facing up on their …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=78
Aug 20
Vocabulary Card Storage Boxes
If you have purchased any of my novel studies, you know that I love using index cards to teach vocabulary words. Working with index cards is both fantastic and frustrating. Students often lose a few when notebooks are dropped. I wanted to develop a small/no-cost solution to prevent students from losing their cards. I wondered, …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=7328
Dec 15
Reference Materials Mini Lesson
Introducing students to the world of reference materials is crucial in developing their research and information literacy skills. This blog post includes a Reference Materials Mini Lesson with fun activities that help students understand the different types of reference materials and their purposes. Be sure to get the handout. It includes the printables and links …
Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=3943