Tag: Taking Standardized Tests

Standardized Testing – Motivational Ideas for Test Day

Motivational Test Taking Strategies

Are you looking for some motivational ideas for test day? Your students will be ready to tackle the challenge with these seven fantastic ideas. Read about candy notes, crafts, posters and bulletin boards, lapbooks, and videos. Follow the links for free printable. Enjoy! I hope your students rock the test. The handout includes printable candy …

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Essay Test Taking Strategies

Essay Test Taking Strategies

Essay tests are a great way to evaluate student knowledge through all levels of thinking skills, from What is…? to Interpret this. or Criticize that. Students will practice essay test-taking strategies using Boom Learning.  Like all test types, essay questions have advantages and disadvantages. One advantage is that students are less likely to guess. Another …

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Fill-in-the-Blanks Test Taking Tips

Fill-in-the-Blanks Test Taking Strategies

Teaching Fill-in-the-Blanks Test-Taking Tips can improve student performance on quizzes. Giving Completion or Fill-in-the-Blanks tests is a great way to test knowledge level questions, including recalling details. This test question is especially helpful for testing the content of who, what, where, and when. Another advantage is that the completion of test questions minimizes guessing. Students …

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Matching Test Taking Strategies

Matching Test Taking Strategies

Matching tests are extremely popular. Matching questions work well for terms and definitions, phrases with other phrases, causes with effects, parts with larger units, and problems with solutions. Teaching students about matching test-taking strategies can greatly improve their performance on these tests. One advantage of matching test items is that students can show their knowledge …

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True-False Test Taking Strategies

True-False Test Taking Strategies

Teaching students true-false test-taking Strategies can greatly improve their performance on quizzes and even standardized tests. True-false tests are popular, easy for teachers to create, and even found on standardized tests. Although many students prefer this type of test, questions can be tricky. Learning what to look for can improve students’ abilities to achieve higher …

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Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=791

Multiple-Choice Test Taking Strategies

Multiple-Choice Test Taking Strategies

Even though many states are scaling back on spring testing, before the 2019/2020 school year, standardized testing, including the multiple-choice test, was mandated in all 50 states. Some states used PARCC or Smarter Balanced, some created their own tests, and others used a hybrid approach. Additionally, about half the states require students to take the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=8667

Academic and Testing Vocabulary

Academic Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary consists of words not commonly used or frequently encountered in everyday conversation. These words include specialized content vocabulary for subjects such as reading/language art, science, social studies, or math. Academic vocabulary also includes terms found on standardized tests. When students understand testing vocabulary, test scores go up. By teaching test vocabulary and how …

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Permanent link to this article: https://bookunitsteacher.com/wp/?p=6139