The two animated short films, Miyako by Jessica Do and The Monster Under My Bed by Karlijn Scholten tell of young girls with monsters under their beds. With similarities in themes, animation techniques, and storytelling, the two shorts are great for teaching to compare and contrast. Miyako and The Monster Under My Bed What’s Included Video …
Tag: animated shorts
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Feb 03
Teaching with the Animated Short Coin Operated
The animated short film Coin Operated shows students what a little determination can do. When the coin-operated rocket doesn’t take off as the young boy thinks it should, the boy works and works to make his dream come true. Coin Operated What’s Included Video Links A page with links for finding the film Two Activities …
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Jan 06
Teaching Theme with Animated Shorts
The animated short film The Catch is a fable-like story in which a young fisherman has no luck until an act of kindness changes his fate. The Catch What’s Included Video Links A page with links for finding the film Two Activities Students complete the missing details in a problem and solution chain. On the …
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Dec 02
Broken: Rock, Scissors, Paper Short Film Activities
The animated short film Broken: Rock, Scissors, Paper brings to life the child’s game with three fantastical characters. Broken: Rock, Scissors, Paper What’s Included Video Links A page with links for finding the film Two Activities Students list the character traits of the three main characters of the film. On the next organizer, students answer …
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Nov 04
Teaching with the Animated Short One Small Step
The animated short film One Small Step follows a young Chinese American girl from age six when she first witnesses a rocket launching to her success of finally walking on the moon. One Small Step What’s Included Video Links A page with links for finding the film Two Activities The first is an organizer for …
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Oct 07
Animated Short On the Same Page Lesson
The animated short film On the Same Page is uniquely creative. A news reporter types an article for the newspaper. The reporter types, “There is nothing to report today.” The reporter looks out his window. He sees a girl swinging like Tarzan. She lands in the window of the “Comic Section” across the street. …
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Sep 09
Teaching with the Animated Short Crow: The Legend
Crow The Legend is a phenomenal animated short film. It features an all-star cast, is beautiful, and teaches a great lesson. Crow The Legend What’s Included Video Links A page with links for finding the film and discussion questions Three Activities The first is an organizer for students to list character traits for each animal …
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