Academic and Testing Vocabulary

Academic vocabulary consists of words that are not commonly used or frequently encountered in everyday conversation. These words include specialized content vocabulary for specific subjects such as reading/language art, science, social studies, or math. Academic vocabulary also includes terms found on standardized tests  When students understand testing vocabulary, test scores go up. By teaching test vocabulary and how the words look in different forms on a test, students feel better prepared and more confident on test day.

Academic vocabulary consists of words not commonly used or frequently encountered in everyday conversation. These words include specialized content vocabulary for subjects such as reading/language art, science, social studies, or math. Academic vocabulary also includes terms found on standardized tests. When students understand testing vocabulary, test scores go up. By teaching test vocabulary and how the words look in different forms on a test, students feel better prepared and more confident on test day.

When to Teach Words

When preparing units of study such as novel studies, add four to five academic vocabulary words in with the novel-specific words. Select words based on the skills taught during the unit of study. 

Vocabulary Teaching Method

Select two or three vocabulary words a day. With a restrictive number of words, students can practice every word daily during the unit. Students will hear the words repeatedly, which is essential for long-term memory. Also, for regular vocabulary words, select synonyms for each word in this daily study.

Word Wheel



Have students create word wheels. Write an overused word in the center of the wheel. Have students think of words that can be substituted for the overused word and write them in the outer spaces. This free printable includes a full-page and half-page word wheel.


The half-page size makes great books. Print multiple copies of the page. Cut them in half using a paper cutter. Stack the pages together and staple them across the top or side (your preference). To make the books more durable, you may wish to add construction paper on the front and back covers.

Throughout the school year, when you encounter a word students overuse, have students complete the next page in their books. The books can be used as a reference any time students are writing.

Regular Vocabulary Routine

Students create vocabulary cards daily with these words, definitions, and/or word webs. 

On one side of the index card, have students write the vocabulary word in large letters to use it as a response card. On the reverse side, students write word webs. For daily practice, students spread their index cards with the words facing up on their desktops. The teacher calls out definitions, synonyms, antonyms, or sentences with missing words. Students locate the correct word and hold up the card. This is a great way for the teacher to determine if students need additional practice or if most know the words. Also, each student participates with each teacher’s request – every student, every time theory. Simply add academic vocabulary words in the mix. In place of word webs, students should write definitions and examples.

Free Editable Academic Vocabulary Matching ActivityThis download contains materials to aid in teaching academic vocabulary. You will find the following:

      • a set of 25 cards with essay question vocabulary
      • the second set of 25 cards with the meanings of the essay question vocabulary
      • a storage pocket for the essay question vocabulary and a separate pocket for the meanings
      • an answer key showing how to match the essay question vocabulary with the correct meanings


      • a blank card for you to create additional cards
      • a link to the editable versions of the cards in Google Slides
      • a page of links to great academic vocabulary lists
      • additional storage pockets for language arts, math, science, and social studies

Ways to Use the Materials

      • The cards may be printed on cardstock, laminated for repeated use, cut apart, placed in a learning center, or used for morning work. Students simply match each vocabulary word with its meaning.
      • If you have students who need a lot of practice, storage pockets for interactive notebooks are provided. Print a set of cards for each student. Have students cut the cards apart. After students practice matching the vocabulary words to the meanings, the cards can be stored in the pockets for easy access for additional use.

Create Your Own Thesaurus

Ideas to Present Students from Using Overused Words

Wow Word Thesaurus is a mini book listing nine commonly used words:

        • very
        • nice
        • good
        • bad
        • mean
        • scared
        • happy
        • funny
        • cool

The printable book contains a partial list of synonyms for each word, plus blanks for students to write additional synonyms. This booklet can easily be glued into an interactive notebook for students to use as a reference.

Download Wow Word Thesaurus
at Teachers Pay Teachers.

Gay Miller


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