Constitution for Kids

Ten Interesting Facts

Check out these 10 interesting facts about the Constitution for Kids. Then download the foldable organizers to use to teach Checks and Balances, the Preamble, Bill of Rights, and Amendments to the Constitution.

Download all handouts from the blog post here.

The Constitution for Kids – Ten Interesting Facts

1. Philadelphia

Pennsylvania State House

Delegates met in Philadelphia from May 25 to September 17, 1787, for the Constitutional Convention. At this time, Philadelphia was the largest city in North America. The population was 40,000 people. The city had 7,000 street lamps, 33 churches, 10 newspapers, and a university. Delegates met in the Pennsylvania State House. Members appointed George Washington as the Commander of the Continental Army at this site. The Declaration of Independence was signed in Philadelphia in 1776. The Articles of Confederation was adopted in 1781 here as well.

2. James Madison

James Madison is known as “the Father of the Constitution.” He came to the Constitutional Convention with the blueprint for the new Constitution.


James Madison

3. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin


Benjamin Franklin was 81 years old when the Constitution was signed. His mind was active, yet he was in poor health. Four prisoners from the Walnut Street Jail had to carry him to the Convention Hall in a sedan chair. When leaving the Pennsylvania State House after the final meeting on September 17, 1787, he was asked about the new government. Franklin replied, “A republic, madam, If you can keep it.” Franklin died on April 17, 1790.

4. Signers

Only 39 of the 42 delegates signed the Constitution. The men who refused did so because the Constitution lacked a bill of rights.



5. Presidents



George Washington and James Madison were the only Presidents to sign the Constitution.

James Madison, the “Father of the Constitution,” is on the $5,000 bill.




6. Our Founding Fathers

Of the 55 delegates who attended the Constitutional Convention, 34 were lawyers. Thirty-nine were former Congressmen. Eight were present or past governors.




7. The Size 

We the People


The Constitution has 4,543 words. This took just four sheets of paper.


8. Americans

Four signers were born in Ireland.


9. Thanksgiving



The first national Thanksgiving Day was established on November 26, 1789. George Washington proclaimed the holiday as a way of giving thanks for the new Constitution.

10. Preserving the Constitution

The Constitution is on display in the National Archives Building in Washington, D. C. Protective glass framed with titanium now protects the Constitution. The case is filled with argon gas and is kept at 67 degrees Fahrenheit with a relative humidity of 40 percent.



Grab these free organizers to use with your Constitution unit.

The Constitution for Kids – Free Organizers


This handout “Constitution Facts and Foldable Organizers” includes ten interesting facts and two foldable graphic organizers. The first foldable organizer covers the checks and balances of our government. The second graphic organizer reviews the parts of the Constitution.


The Constitution for Kids – Free Organizers

Checks and Balances

US Capitol Building


House of Representatives


Congress makes all the laws of the country.

After a veto by the President, the law can take effect if 2/3rds of the members of Congress vote for it again.

Congress may reject Supreme Court Appointments.


US Supreme Court Building

Supreme Court

(9 members)

Appeals Courts (13 in the U.S.)

District Courts (94 in the U.S.)

The judicial branch decides if laws or acts of Congress are in line with the Constitution. If not, they can declare a law unconstitutional.


US White House Building



The President must ask Congress to make a new law.

The President may veto (say no to) any law passed by Congress.

President appoints the Supreme Court Justices.


We the People


We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union. . .

Founding Fathers

Articles 1-7

  1. The Legislative Branch, its powers, members, and workings
  2. The Executive Branch (President and Vice President), its powers, duties, and means of removal
  3. The Judicial Branch and defines treason
  4. This part regulates the states’ powers and their interaction with the National government.
  5. How to Change the Constitution ~ 2/3 of Both Houses, 3/4 of all States
  6. This part sets the status of the Constitution as the supreme law of the land, to which leaders must be loyal.
  7. This part addresses ratification and declares that the Constitution should take effect if 9 out of 13 states ratify.


First Congress

Bill of Rights

  1. Freedom of Religion, Speech, Press, Assembly, and Petition
  2. The Right to Bear Arms
  3. No Quartering of Troops
  4. Search and Seizure (Search Warrants)
  5. Due Process and Self-Incrimination (The Right to Remain Silent)
  6. Right to a Speedy and Public Trial
  7. Trial by Jury in Cases over $20
  8. No Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  9. Rights Kept by the People
  10. Rights Reserved to the States or People

Woman Suffrage


13-15 Reconstruction (Abolished Slavery, Citizenship for African Americans, & Free Citizens Vote)

16 Income Tax

17 Vote Directly for Senators

18 & 21 Prohibition and the Repeal of Prohibition

22 The President serves no more than 2 terms.

26 18-year-old vote


Ten Interesting Facts . . . .The Constitution
Ten Interesting Facts . . . . The Constitution
Ten Interesting Facts . . . . The Constitution

Gay Miller

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    • Julissa on September 14, 2014 at 8:55 am

    There is no link to take you to the printable graphic organizer or article. Am I supposed to click somewhere? Thanks for the great resources!

    • Jeannie on September 14, 2014 at 11:57 pm


    Your two Constitution and preamble graphic organizers for interactive journals are intriguing. The site says print free but I cannot find a link to download. Can I find your activity on another site?

    Thank you for sharing,

    Jeannie Pace
    Tijeras, NM

  1. The links are now working.

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