Charlotte’s Web Activities

Charlotte's Web Activities

I remember sitting in my fourth-grade classroom. My teacher had just finished reading Charlotte’s Web. Several students had tears streaming down their faces. I will never forget how Mrs. Jones explained that a good book will often make you laugh out loud and cry. Charlotte’s Web will do just that.

Charlotte’s Web tells about a young girl named Fern Arable who lovingly takes care of a piglet, naming him Wilbur. Wilbur is sold to Fern’s uncle, Homer Zuckerman. Wilbur feels lonely in his new home until a friendly spider named Charlotte welcomes him. The two become fast friends. When Charlotte overhears Zuckerman say he is going to slaughter Wilbur, she begins weaving praises about Wilbur in her web. Her webs attract publicity among Zuckerman’s neighbors. Soon, Charlotte’s webs with their inscriptions become famous. Because of this, Wilbur goes to the county fair accompanied by Charlotte and a rat named Templeton who helps find inspirational words for Charlotte to weave.

Read this fantastic book to learn about Wilbur’s fate. 


Are you looking for some Charlotte’s Web activities? Check out these coloring, drawing, and word activities that are sure to be a hit with your students/

Charlotte’s Web Activities

Charlotte’s Web Unit Samples

Charlotte’s Web Unit Samples

This sample includes activities from Chapters 1-2 including vocabulary practice, comprehension questions, and constructed response questions.

Teaching Idea #1 ~ Spider Life Cycle

Charlotte's Web Activities - Spider Life Cycle

Tie in science by having students create animal life cycle posters for the different characters in Charlotte’s Web. This project is easy enough that no templates are needed.

Here is how we created Charlotte’s life cycle.

Step 1 – Cut out three leaf shapes from green construction paper.

Step 2 – Have students create a yarn spider web. This can be done by cutting yarn into short strips and gluing them onto the leaves in a star design. Next, take a longer piece of yarn and go on top of the star shapes in a spiral design.

Step 3 – Glue pom poms or cotton balls for eggs.

Step 4 – Plastic spider rings make the perfect addition to the nymph and adult stages. These come in bags of a hundred or more. Cut off the ring part and use just the spider portion of the ring.

Step 5 – Students label the finished art piece.

Teaching Idea #2 ~ How to Draw a Pig

How to Draw a Pig

Follow these step-by-step instructions from Kathy Barbro

Teaching Idea #3 ~ Synonym Web Printable

Charlotte's Web Activities Synonym Craftivity

This print-and-go project includes a class set of 30 spider webs. Students write synonyms in the blank spaces of the web. The finished product makes a simple yet cute bulletin board.

This is a fun way for students to practice with synonyms or antonyms plus using a thesaurus. 

Teaching Idea #4 ~ Spider Web Art

Teaching Idea #6 ~ Spider Snack

Charlotte's Web Activities

This terrific idea comes from Sara at Mom Endeavors.

See the product that inspired this post.

Charlotte’s Web Novel Study

Charlotte’s Web Novel Study includes vocabulary practice, comprehension questions, constructed response writing, and skill practice.  

Gay Miller

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    • Julie on June 3, 2016 at 8:44 pm

    I absolutely LOVE the web activity!!! Too cute! Thank you so much for sharing 🙂

    1. You’re welcome!

    • Sandy Cangelosi on June 6, 2016 at 3:55 pm

    What a web of fun! Thank you so much, Gay. Hope to see you at the conference.

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