American History Industrial America

iNDUSTRIAL AMERICA ~ Lesson 5 Women's Movement

Women's Suffrage Cartoon

President Grover Cleveland carries a book that says, "What I know about Women's Clubs." He is chased by Susan B. Anthony carrying a "Women's Suffrage" umbrella. Uncle Sam chuckles in the distance. The cartoon was created by Charles Bartholomew sometime between 1892 and 1896. By then, Anthony and her crusade for social justice was recognized throughout the world.

The women's rights movement began in 1848 when a group of women held a convention led by Elizabeth Cady Stanton in Seneca Falls. They asked for rights in a Declaration of Independence for Women. These women wanted the same rights as men including the right to hold good jobs, the right to an education, and the right to vote.

In 1851 Elizabeth Stanton met Susan B. Anthony. The two teamed up to work for women's rights. In 1872 Ms. Anthony was arrested for voting in Rochester, New York. She was found guilty and fined $100.00 which she refused to pay.

Women gained a victory when Wyoming was added to the Union. Some U.S. territories had given women the right to vote. In 1889 Wyoming said it would stay out of the Union rather than come in without women's rights. It was admitted in 1890 with women having the right to vote.

In 1912, Woodrow Wilson became President of the United States. He refused to talk about women's rights. Thousands of women marched in front to the White House to protest. Police were called in. Some women were arrested, and others were attacked as they marched.

By 1919 Utah, Colorado, Idaho, Wyoming, and New York had given women the right to vote.

President Wilson asked Congress for an amendment to the Constitution giving women the right to vote. By the end of 1920 enough states had ratified the amendment for it to become a law.

Map of Women's Suffrage Laws

Map of Women's Suffrage laws in various states of the US immediately before passage of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920

   Full suffrage

   Presidential suffrage

   Primary suffrage

   Municipal suffrage

   School, bond, or tax suffrage

   Municipal suffrage in some cities

   Primary suffrage in some cities

   No suffrage



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