Onomatopoeia is the imitation of natural sounds in word form. These words help us form mental pictures about the things, people, or places that are described.
• buzz
• hiss
• roar
• woof
• bang
• pop
• hiss
• sizzle
Alliteration is when several words in a row begin with the same sound. You may have some words in between alliterated words that don’t start with the same sound as long as they don’t interrupt the sound pattern.
The snake slithers secretly across the sand.
Repetition is when one or more words are repeated to show urgency or importance.
Stop, stop, stop!!
Assonance is the repetition of vowel sounds within a sentence or phrase.
The early bird catches the worm.
Consonance is the repetition of consonant sounds within or at the end of words in a sentence or phrase.
The lumpy, bumpy road.
Click on the links under the images to go to sound devices resources.
1. Sound Scavenger Hunt: Students can listen to a variety of sound clips and identify the onomatopoeic words that best describe each sound.
2. Alliteration Poetry: Have students create short poems or tongue twisters using alliteration.
3. Repetition in Speeches: Analyze famous speeches for examples of repetition and discuss how it adds to the emphasis of the message.
4. Assonance and Consonance Challenge: Provide sentences and ask students to identify the examples of assonance and consonance.